Commit 7bafe2a6 by lishengfu


parent 048dc434
Showing with 60 additions and 12 deletions
<van-button type="primary">主要按钮</van-button>
<van-button type="info">信息按钮</van-button>
<!-- <van-cell title="单元格" is-link /> -->
<div class="content">
<div class="tip">1</div>
<div class="title">工作信息</div>
<div class="nav">
<div class="info">
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { Button } from 'vant';
// import { Button } from 'vant';
import { Component } from "vue-property-decorator";
// []: Cell,
// components:{
// // []: Cell,
// []:Button
// }
export default class workInfo extends Vue {}
<style lang="less" scoped>
.content {
margin-top: 10px;
display: grid;
align-items: center;
grid-template-columns :20px 118px 1fr;
"tip title ."
". nav info";
.tip {
grid-area: tip;
.title {
grid-area: title;
.nav {
grid-area: nav;
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: minmax(30px,auto);
p {
font-size: 14px;
color: rgba(149, 152, 158, 1);
line-height: 30px;
.info {
grid-area: info;
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: minmax(30px,auto);
p {
font-size: 14px;
color: rgba(61, 64, 71, 1);
line-height: 30px;
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