Commit d5d3a464 by zhousil


parent 78c4daae
Showing with 1002 additions and 670 deletions
......@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ export enum IMDomainType {
"验资报告" = "biz_yzbgs",
"专项审计" = "biz_zxsjs",
"劳务派遣" = "biz_lwwbxc_h",
"其他企业服务咨询h" = "con_qtqyfwconsult_h",
"工商财税业务咨询h" = "con_gscsywconsult_h",
"知识产权相关咨询h" = "con_zscqxgconsult_h",
"法律咨询h" = "con_flconsult_h",
......@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ export enum IMDomainType {
"招聘服务咨询h" = "con_zpfwconsult_h",
"保险及员工服务业务咨询h" = "con_bxjygfwywconsult_h",
"人事服务h" = "con_ssfw_h",
"灵活用工h" = "con_lhyg_h",
"更多服务h" = "con_gdfww_h",
"人才引进h" = "con_rcyjs_h",
"公司资质h" = "con_gszzs_h",
......@@ -211,10 +209,6 @@ export enum IMDomainType {
"职场白领体检套餐B款女h" = "biz_zcbltytcbknv_h",
"企业员工体检套餐-基本款h" = "biz_qyygtjtcjbk_h",
"高端体检h" = "biz_crgdtj_h",
"系统消息h" = "con_xtxxx_h",
"节日祝福h" = "con_blessing_h",
"活动通知h" = "con_campaign_h",
"社保资讯h" = "con_information_h",
"活动通知qqxb" = "qqxb_eventMsg",
"账户提醒e" = "acc_zhtx_e",
"节日祝福e" = "con_blessing_e",
......@@ -325,991 +319,1329 @@ export enum IMDomainType {
"pc网站咨询" = "con_pcweb",
"劳动争议" = "biz_ldzyqy_h",
"人力外包" = "biz_rlwb_h",
"人力外包年服务资格" = "biz_rlwbnffzg_h"
"人力外包年服务资格" = "biz_rlwbnffzg_h",
// HRS100
"灵活用工h" = "con_lhyg_h",
"其他企业服务咨询h" = "con_qtqyfwconsult_h",
"人力外包h" = "con_ssfw_h",
"人事代理h" = "con_sbkf_h",
"活动通知h" = "con_campaign_h",
"节日祝福h" = "con_blessing_h",
"社保资讯h" = "con_information_h",
"系统消息h" = "con_xtxxx_h",
export const imItems = [{
export const imItems = [
type: "biz_sbkbl",
title: "社保卡办理/补办"
}, {
title: "社保卡办理/补办",
type: "biz_sbdl",
title: "社保代理"
}, {
title: "社保代理",
type: "biz_sbcx",
title: "社保查询"
}, {
title: "社保查询",
type: "biz_ddyybg",
title: "定点医院变更"
}, {
title: "定点医院变更",
type: "biz_qtsbrw",
title: "其他社保服务"
}, {
title: "其他社保服务",
type: "biz_syxbx",
title: "生育险报销"
}, {
title: "生育险报销",
type: "biz_sbkszy",
title: "社保跨省转移"
}, {
title: "社保跨省转移",
type: "biz_cbrxxbg",
title: "参保人信息变更"
}, {
title: "参保人信息变更",
type: "biz_qzzxgr",
title: "求职咨询"
}, {
title: "求职咨询",
type: "biz_zlfybx",
title: "医疗费用报销"
}, {
title: "医疗费用报销",
type: "con_bjxyhzx",
title: "北京新客户咨询"
}, {
title: "北京新客户咨询",
type: "biz_qywxtg",
title: "企业微信推广"
}, {
title: "企业微信推广",
type: "biz_sbbj",
title: "补缴咨询"
}, {
title: "补缴咨询",
type: "biz_sbjjjy",
title: "社保加急减员"
}, {
title: "社保加急减员",
type: "biz_gjjkszy",
title: "公积金跨省转移"
}, {
title: "公积金跨省转移",
type: "biz_hzxdgr",
title: "互助行动"
}, {
title: "互助行动",
type: "biz_qqlcx",
title: "亲亲理财"
}, {
title: "亲亲理财",
type: "con_sbkf",
title: "社保客服"
}, {
title: "社保客服",
type: "con_gjjkf",
title: "公积金客服"
}, {
title: "公积金客服",
type: "biz_sbkbl_e",
title: "社保卡办理/变更"
}, {
title: "社保卡办理/变更",
type: "biz_cbrxxbg_e",
title: "参保人信息变更"
}, {
title: "参保人信息变更",
type: "con_sbdl_e",
title: "社保代理"
}, {
title: "社保代理",
type: "biz_ddyybg_e",
title: "定点医院变更"
}, {
title: "定点医院变更",
type: "biz_sbjjjy_e",
title: "社保加急减员"
}, {
title: "社保加急减员",
type: "biz_syxbx_e",
title: "生育险报销"
}, {
title: "生育险报销",
type: "biz_sbkszy_e",
title: "社保跨省转移"
}, {
title: "社保跨省转移",
type: "biz_ylfybx_e",
title: "医疗费用报销"
}, {
title: "医疗费用报销",
type: "biz_qqlx_yg_e",
title: "亲亲理财"
}, {
title: "亲亲理财",
type: "biz_qtsbfw_e",
title: "其他社保服务"
}, {
title: "其他社保服务",
type: "con_sbkf_e",
title: "在线咨询"
}, {
title: "在线咨询",
type: "biz_cbrxxbg_h",
title: "参保人信息变更"
}, {
title: "参保人信息变更",
type: "biz_sbkbl_h",
title: "社保卡办理/变更"
}, {
title: "社保卡办理/变更",
type: "biz_sbkszy_h",
title: "社保跨省转移"
}, {
title: "社保跨省转移",
type: "biz_syxbx_h",
title: "生育险报销"
}, {
title: "生育险报销",
type: "biz_dagl_qy_h",
title: "档案管理"
}, {
title: "档案管理",
type: "biz_ylfybx_h",
title: "医疗费用报销"
}, {
title: "医疗费用报销",
type: "biz_sbzhygrjy_qy_h",
title: "社保最后一个人减员"
}, {
title: "社保最后一个人减员",
type: "biz_ydaz_sb_qy_h",
title: "异地安置"
}, {
title: "异地安置",
type: "biz_szzh_sb_qy_h",
title: "数字证书办理/续费"
}, {
title: "数字证书办理/续费",
type: "biz_lqybcz_qy_h",
title: "领取医保存折"
}, {
title: "领取医保存折",
type: "biz_sbhqk_qy_h",
title: "还欠款"
}, {
title: "还欠款",
type: "biz_dzcbjfmx_qy_h",
title: "定制参保缴费明细"
}, {
title: "定制参保缴费明细",
type: "biz_sbqs_sb_qy_h",
title: "社保清算"
}, {
title: "社保清算",
type: "biz_sbjjjy_h",
title: "社保加急减员"
}, {
title: "社保加急减员",
type: "biz_sbtgbjqy_h",
title: "社保托管补缴"
}, {
title: "社保托管补缴",
type: "biz_sbdl_h",
title: "社保代理"
}, {
title: "社保代理",
type: "biz_qtsbfw_h",
title: "其他社保服务"
}, {
title: "其他社保服务",
type: "biz_xxlcqy_h",
title: "亲亲理财"
}, {
title: "亲亲理财",
type: "biz_ddyybg_h",
title: "定点医院变更"
}, {
title: "定点医院变更",
type: "biz_sbkh_sb_qy_h",
title: "社保开户"
}, {
title: "社保开户",
type: "biz_sbgtzjy_qy_h",
title: "社保柜台增减员"
}, {
title: "社保柜台增减员",
type: "biz_sbgssb_qy_h",
title: "工伤申报"
}, {
title: "工伤申报",
type: "con_sbtg",
title: "社保托管"
}, {
type: "con_sbkf_h",
title: "在线咨询"
}, {
title: "社保托管",
type: "qqxb",
title: "亲亲小保"
}, {
title: "亲亲小保",
type: "con_gjjcx",
title: "公积金查询"
}, {
title: "公积金查询",
type: "biz_gjjdl",
title: "公积金代理"
}, {
title: "公积金代理",
type: "biz_gjjtq",
title: "公积金提取"
}, {
title: "公积金提取",
type: "biz_qtgjjfw",
title: "其他公积金服务"
}, {
title: "其他公积金服务",
type: "biz_gjjbj",
title: "公积金补缴"
}, {
title: "公积金补缴",
type: "biz_gjjkszy_yg_e",
title: "公积金跨省转移—500元起/次"
}, {
title: "公积金跨省转移—500元起/次",
type: "biz_qtgjjfw_e",
title: "其他公积金服务"
}, {
title: "其他公积金服务",
type: "con_gjjdl_e",
title: "公积金代理"
}, {
title: "公积金代理",
type: "biz_gjjtq_e",
title: "公积金提取"
}, {
title: "公积金提取",
type: "con_gjjkf_e",
title: "公积金客服"
}, {
title: "公积金客服",
type: "biz_gjjtq_h",
title: "公积金提取"
}, {
title: "公积金提取",
type: "biz_gjjkf_h",
title: "公积金客服"
}, {
title: "公积金客服",
type: "biz_gjjdl_h",
title: "公积金代理"
}, {
title: "公积金代理",
type: "biz_gjjtgbj_h",
title: "公积金托管补缴"
}, {
title: "公积金托管补缴",
type: "biz_szzh_gjj_qy_h",
title: "数字证书办理/续费"
}, {
title: "数字证书办理/续费",
type: "biz_gjjgtzjy_qy_h",
title: "公积金柜台增减员"
}, {
title: "公积金柜台增减员",
type: "biz_gjjhqk_qy_h",
title: "还欠款"
}, {
title: "还欠款",
type: "biz_gjjkh_qy_h",
title: "公积金开户"
}, {
title: "公积金开户",
type: "biz_gjjzhhb_qy_h",
title: "公积金账户合并"
}, {
title: "公积金账户合并",
type: "biz_gjjkszy_qy_h",
title: "公积金跨省转移"
}, {
title: "公积金跨省转移",
type: "biz_qtgjjfw_h",
title: "其他公积金服务"
}, {
title: "其他公积金服务",
type: "con_gjjtg",
title: "公积金托管"
}, {
title: "公积金托管",
type: "biz_yjgzq_h",
title: "预借工资"
}, {
title: "预借工资",
type: "biz_xcgsfu",
title: "灵活就业薪酬个税"
}, {
title: "灵活就业薪酬个税",
type: "biz_lwfdf",
title: "劳务费代发"
}, {
title: "劳务费代发",
type: "biz_qfxgwwb",
title: "全风险岗位外包"
}, {
title: "全风险岗位外包",
type: "biz_zrrdk",
title: "自然人代开"
}, {
title: "自然人代开",
type: "biz_gzdfgr",
title: "工资代发"
}, {
title: "工资代发",
type: "con_gscxx",
title: "个税查询"
}, {
title: "个税查询",
type: "con_xcgskf",
title: "薪酬个税客服"
}, {
title: "薪酬个税客服",
type: "biz_zngzb",
title: "智能工资表"
}, {
title: "智能工资表",
type: "biz_lwwbgl",
title: "劳务外包"
}, {
title: "劳务外包",
type: "biz_ywwbgl",
title: "业务外包"
}, {
title: "业务外包",
type: "hrs100",
title: "HRS100"
}, {
title: "HRS100",
type: "biz_qfxgwdf_e",
title: "全风险岗位外包"
}, {
title: "全风险岗位外包",
type: "biz_lwfdf_e",
title: "劳务费代发"
}, {
title: "劳务费代发",
type: "con_xcgskf_e",
title: "薪酬个税客服"
}, {
title: "薪酬个税客服",
type: "biz_lwwbgl_e",
title: "劳务外包"
}, {
title: "劳务外包",
type: "biz_ywwbgl_e",
title: "业务外包"
}, {
title: "业务外包",
type: "biz_sjbgs",
title: "审计报告"
}, {
title: "审计报告",
type: "biz_yzbgs",
title: "验资报告"
}, {
title: "验资报告",
type: "biz_zxsjs",
title: "专项审计"
}, {
title: "专项审计",
type: "biz_lwwbxc_h",
title: "劳务派遣"
}, {
type: "con_qtqyfwconsult_h",
title: "其他企业服务咨询"
}, {
title: "劳务派遣",
type: "con_gscsywconsult_h",
title: "工商财税业务咨询"
}, {
title: "工商财税业务咨询",
type: "con_zscqxgconsult_h",
title: "知识产权相关咨询"
}, {
title: "知识产权相关咨询",
type: "con_flconsult_h",
title: "法律咨询"
}, {
title: "法律咨询",
type: "con_sbxcconsult_h",
title: "社保薪酬咨询"
}, {
title: "社保薪酬咨询",
type: "con_zpfwconsult_h",
title: "招聘服务咨询"
}, {
title: "招聘服务咨询",
type: "con_bxjygfwywconsult_h",
title: "保险及员工服务业务咨询"
}, {
type: "con_ssfw_h",
title: "人事服务"
}, {
type: "con_lhyg_h",
title: "灵活用工"
}, {
title: "保险及员工服务业务咨询",
type: "con_gdfww_h",
title: "更多服务"
}, {
title: "更多服务",
type: "con_flzxx_h",
title: "法律咨询"
}, {
title: "法律咨询",
type: "con_rcyjs_h",
title: "人才引进"
}, {
title: "人才引进",
type: "con_gszzs_h",
title: "公司资质"
}, {
title: "公司资质",
type: "con_gscsaq_h",
title: "工商财税"
}, {
title: "工商财税",
type: "biz_ywzb_h",
title: "业务众包"
}, {
title: "业务众包",
type: "biz_ywwbgl_h",
title: "业务外包"
}, {
title: "业务外包",
type: "biz_qfxgwdf_h",
title: "全风险岗位外包"
}, {
title: "全风险岗位外包",
type: "biz_lwfdf_h",
title: "劳务费代发"
}, {
title: "劳务费代发",
type: "biz_gwwbglfw_h",
title: "岗位外包管理服务"
}, {
title: "岗位外包管理服务",
type: "con_xcgskf_h",
title: "薪酬个税客服"
}, {
title: "薪酬个税客服",
type: "biz_lwpxsq_h",
title: "劳务派遣"
}, {
title: "劳务派遣",
type: "biz_zngzb_h",
title: "智能工资表"
}, {
title: "智能工资表",
type: "acc_xcywtx_h",
title: "薪酬业务"
}, {
title: "薪酬业务",
type: "biz_lwwbgl_h",
title: "劳务外包"
}, {
title: "劳务外包",
type: "biz_xcgsmn_h",
title: "工资代发"
}, {
title: "工资代发",
type: "biz_zrrdk_h",
title: "自然人代开"
}, {
title: "自然人代开",
type: "biz_bjgzjzzzxfw_h",
title: "北京工作居住证咨询服务"
}, {
title: "北京工作居住证咨询服务",
type: "biz_wgrgzxk_h",
title: "外国人工作许可"
}, {
title: "外国人工作许可",
type: "biz_shjzzjfsqzxfw_h",
title: "上海居住证积分申请咨询服务"
}, {
title: "上海居住证积分申请咨询服务",
type: "biz_bjyjbysl_h1",
title: "北京应届毕业生落户咨询"
}, {
title: "北京应届毕业生落户咨询",
type: "biz_ysxzczx_h",
title: "幼升小政策咨询"
}, {
title: "幼升小政策咨询",
type: "biz_cdgfsbhgzx_h",
title: "成都购房社保合规咨询"
}, {
title: "成都购房社保合规咨询",
type: "biz_ldqybh_h",
title: "劳动权益保护"
}, {
title: "劳动权益保护",
type: "biz_bjjflhzxfw_h",
title: "北京积分落户咨询服务"
}, {
title: "北京积分落户咨询服务",
type: "biz_tjlhzxfw_h",
title: "天津落户咨询服务"
}, {
title: "天津落户咨询服务",
type: "biz_shlxslh_h",
title: "上海留学生落户咨询"
}, {
title: "上海留学生落户咨询",
type: "biz_shyjbyslhzx_h",
title: "上海应届毕业生落户咨询"
}, {
title: "上海应届毕业生落户咨询",
type: "biz_shjzhzx_h",
title: "上海居转户咨询"
}, {
title: "上海居转户咨询",
type: "employee",
title: "HRS100员工版"
}, {
title: "HRS100员工版",
type: "biz_bjgzjzzzxfw_e",
title: "北京工作居住证咨询服务"
}, {
title: "北京工作居住证咨询服务",
type: "biz_tjlhzxfw_e",
title: "天津落户咨询服务"
}, {
title: "天津落户咨询服务",
type: "biz_ldqybh_e",
title: "劳动权益保护"
}, {
title: "劳动权益保护",
type: "biz_shjzzjfsqzxfw_e",
title: "上海居住证积分申请咨询服务"
}, {
title: "上海居住证积分申请咨询服务",
type: "biz_cdgfsbhgzx_e",
title: "成都购房社保合规咨询"
}, {
title: "成都购房社保合规咨询",
type: "biz_bjjflhzxfw_e",
title: "北京积分落户咨询服务"
}, {
title: "北京积分落户咨询服务",
type: "biz_ysxzczx_e",
title: "幼升小政策咨询"
}, {
title: "幼升小政策咨询",
type: "biz_shlxslh_e",
title: "上海留学生落户咨询"
}, {
title: "上海留学生落户咨询",
type: "biz_bjjflhzxfw",
title: "北京积分落户咨询服务"
}, {
title: "北京积分落户咨询服务",
type: "biz_bjgzjzzjfsqzxfw",
title: "北京工作居住证咨询服务"
}, {
title: "北京工作居住证咨询服务",
type: "biz_shjzzjfsqzxfw",
title: "上海居住证积分申请咨询服务"
}, {
title: "上海居住证积分申请咨询服务",
type: "biz_bjyjbysl_h",
title: "北京应届毕业生落户咨询"
}, {
title: "北京应届毕业生落户咨询",
type: "biz_ysxzczx",
title: "幼升小政策咨询"
}, {
title: "幼升小政策咨询",
type: "biz_ldqybh",
title: "劳动权益保护"
}, {
title: "劳动权益保护",
type: "biz_xmgkk_h",
title: "项目挂靠"
}, {
title: "项目挂靠",
type: "biz_tjlhzxfw",
title: "天津落户咨询服务"
}, {
title: "天津落户咨询服务",
type: "biz_shlxslh",
title: "上海留学生落户咨询"
}, {
title: "上海留学生落户咨询",
type: "biz_bjjtlhqyzx",
title: "北京集体户口迁移咨询"
}, {
title: "北京集体户口迁移咨询",
type: "biz_cdlhzxfw",
title: "成都落户咨询服务"
}, {
title: "成都落户咨询服务",
type: "biz_shyjbyslhzx",
title: "上海应届毕业生落户咨询"
}, {
title: "上海应届毕业生落户咨询",
type: "biz_shjzhzx",
title: "上海居转户咨询"
}, {
title: "上海居转户咨询",
type: "biz_cdgfsbhgzx",
title: "成都购房社保合规咨询"
}, {
title: "成都购房社保合规咨询",
type: "biz_shhzzblzx",
title: "上海居住证办理咨询"
}, {
title: "上海居住证办理咨询",
type: "con_zpzs_e",
title: "招聘助手"
}, {
title: "招聘助手",
type: "biz_bzngzzrbx_h",
title: "保准牛-雇主责任保险"
}, {
title: "保准牛-雇主责任保险",
type: "biz_gzzrxxx_h",
title: "雇主责任险"
}, {
title: "雇主责任险",
type: "biz_qysbtydd_h",
title: "企业商保通用订单"
}, {
title: "企业商保通用订单",
type: "biz_yaljysylbxbk_h",
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险B款"
}, {
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险B款",
type: "biz_yaljysylbxak_h",
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险A款"
}, {
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险A款",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxck_h",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险C款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险C款",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxbk_h",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险B款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险B款",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxak_h",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险A款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险A款",
type: "biz_ttywxxx_h",
title: "团体意外保险"
}, {
title: "团体意外保险",
type: "biz_bcylll_h",
title: "补充医疗"
}, {
title: "补充医疗",
type: "con_tjjkk_h",
title: "体检健康"
}, {
title: "体检健康",
type: "con_bxff_h",
title: "保险服务"
}, {
title: "保险服务",
type: "con_flbxa_h",
title: "福利保险"
}, {
title: "福利保险",
type: "biz_bzngzzrbx",
title: "保准牛-雇主责任保险"
}, {
title: "保准牛-雇主责任保险",
type: "biz_yaljysylbxak",
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险A款"
}, {
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险A款",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxck",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险C款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险C款",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxbk",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险B款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险B款",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxak",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险A款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险A款",
type: "biz_qysbtydd",
title: "企业商保通用订单"
}, {
title: "企业商保通用订单",
type: "biz_yaljysylbxbk",
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险B款"
}, {
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险B款",
type: "biz_lnrzdjb_h",
title: "老年人重大疾病"
}, {
title: "老年人重大疾病",
type: "biz_srbzjbywylbx_h",
title: "少儿百种疾病意外医疗保险"
}, {
title: "少儿百种疾病意外医疗保险",
type: "biz_zjxxxx_h",
title: "重疾险"
}, {
title: "重疾险",
type: "biz_bcylxx_h",
title: "补充医疗"
}, {
title: "补充医疗",
type: "biz_tdbcyl",
title: "团队补充医疗"
}, {
title: "团队补充医疗",
type: "biz_gzzrx",
title: "雇主责任险"
}, {
title: "雇主责任险",
type: "biz_ttywx",
title: "团体意外险"
}, {
title: "团体意外险",
type: "biz_qjbzx",
title: "全家保障险"
}, {
title: "全家保障险",
type: "biz_jtywx",
title: "家庭意外险"
}, {
title: "家庭意外险",
type: "biz_mbxshb",
title: "买保险送红包"
}, {
title: "买保险送红包",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxbk_e",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险B款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险B款",
type: "biz_yaljysyl_A",
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险A款"
}, {
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险A款",
type: "biz_qysbtydd_e",
title: "企业商保通用订单"
}, {
title: "企业商保通用订单",
type: "biz_bzngzzrbx_e",
title: "保准牛-雇主责任保险"
}, {
title: "保准牛-雇主责任保险",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxck_e",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险C款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险C款",
type: "biz_bznqybcylbxak_e",
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险A款"
}, {
title: "保准牛—企业补充医疗保险A款",
type: "biz_yaljysyl_B",
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险B款"
}, {
title: "永安乐健一生医疗保险B款",
type: "biz_zcbltytcbkna",
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(男)"
}, {
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(男)",
type: "biz_qyygtjtcjbk",
title: "企业员工体检套餐-基本款"
}, {
title: "企业员工体检套餐-基本款",
type: "biz_zcbltytcbknv",
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(女)"
}, {
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(女)",
type: "biz_rztjtc",
title: "入职体检套餐"
}, {
title: "入职体检套餐",
type: "biz_crgdtj",
title: "高端体检"
}, {
title: "高端体检",
type: "biz_ygtjtc",
title: "员工体检套餐"
}, {
title: "员工体检套餐",
type: "biz_tjktc",
title: "体检卡套餐"
}, {
title: "体检卡套餐",
type: "biz_zcbltytcbkna_e",
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(男)"
}, {
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(男)",
type: "biz_qyygtjtcjbk_e",
title: "企业员工体检套餐-基本款"
}, {
title: "企业员工体检套餐-基本款",
type: "biz_zcbltytcbknv_e",
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(女)"
}, {
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(女)",
type: "biz_zcbltytcbkna_h",
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(男)"
}, {
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(男)",
type: "biz_zcbltytcbknv_h",
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(女)"
}, {
title: "职场白领体检套餐B款(女)",
type: "biz_qyygtjtcjbk_h",
title: "企业员工体检套餐-基本款"
}, {
title: "企业员工体检套餐-基本款",
type: "biz_crgdtj_h",
title: "高端体检"
}, {
type: "con_xtxxx_h",
title: "系统消息"
}, {
type: "con_blessing_h",
title: "节日祝福"
}, {
type: "con_campaign_h",
title: "活动通知"
}, {
type: "con_information_h",
title: "社保资讯"
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title: "高端体检",
type: "qqxb_eventMsg",
title: "活动通知"
}, {
title: "活动通知",
type: "acc_zhtx_e",
title: "账户提醒"
}, {
title: "账户提醒",
type: "con_blessing_e",
title: "节日祝福"
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title: "节日祝福",
type: "con_campaign_e",
title: "活动通知"
}, {
title: "活动通知",
type: "con_information_e",
title: "社保资讯"
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title: "社保资讯",
type: "acc_zhtx",
title: "账户提醒"
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title: "账户提醒",
type: "con_xtxxx",
title: "系统消息"
}, {
title: "系统消息",
type: "con_blessing",
title: "节日祝福"
}, {
title: "节日祝福",
type: "con_campaign",
title: "活动通知"
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title: "活动通知",
type: "con_information",
title: "社保资讯"
}, {
title: "社保资讯",
type: "biz_zxwqygsdl_e",
title: "中小微企业工商代理"
}, {
title: "中小微企业工商代理",
type: "biz_zxwqycsdl_e",
title: "中小微企业财税代理"
}, {
title: "中小微企业财税代理",
type: "biz_xzgszcycsdl_e",
title: "西藏工商注册与财税代理"
}, {
title: "西藏工商注册与财税代理",
type: "biz_zxwqygsdl_h",
title: "中小微企业工商代理"
}, {
title: "中小微企业工商代理",
type: "biz_xzgszcycsdl_h",
title: "西藏工商注册与财税代理"
}, {
title: "西藏工商注册与财税代理",
type: "biz_zxwqycsdl_h",
title: "中小微企业财税代理"
}, {
title: "中小微企业财税代理",
type: "que_wddttx",
title: "问答动态提醒"
}, {
title: "问答动态提醒",
type: "biz_zlfw_h",
title: "专利服务"
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title: "专利服务",
type: "biz_zlbj_h",
title: "专利布局"
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title: "专利布局",
type: "biz_sbzc_h",
title: "商标注册"
}, {
title: "商标注册",
type: "biz_nqfw_h",
title: "版权服务"
}, {
title: "版权服务",
type: "biz_gscs_h",
title: "工商财税"
}, {
title: "工商财税",
type: "biz_zlbj_e",
title: "专利布局"
}, {
title: "专利布局",
type: "biz_sbzc_e",
title: "商标注册"
}, {
title: "商标注册",
type: "biz_nqfw_e",
title: "版权服务"
}, {
title: "版权服务",
type: "con_qzzs",
title: "求职助手"
}, {
title: "求职助手",
type: "con_qzxcx",
title: "求职小程序"
}, {
title: "求职小程序",
type: "con_zpxcx",
title: "招聘小程序"
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title: "招聘小程序",
type: "con_qzgws",
title: "求职顾问"
}, {
title: "求职顾问",
type: "biz_qlt_qy_h",
title: "人才快递"
}, {
title: "人才快递",
type: "con_zpzs_h",
title: "招聘助手"
}, {
title: "招聘助手",
type: "biz_tjrclnh",
title: "推荐人才"
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title: "推荐人才",
type: "qqxb_userMsg",
title: "私信"
}, {
title: "私信",
type: "biz_lwpqjyxkz_e",
title: "劳务派遣经营许可证"
}, {
title: "劳务派遣经营许可证",
type: "biz_spltxkz_e",
title: "食品流通许可证"
}, {
title: "食品流通许可证",
type: "biz_zzrz_e",
title: "资质认证"
}, {
title: "资质认证",
type: "biz_rlzyfwxkz_e",
title: "人力资源服务许可证"
}, {
title: "人力资源服务许可证",
type: "biz_xmsb_e",
title: "项目申报"
}, {
title: "项目申报",
type: "biz_gxjsqyrd_e",
title: "高新技术企业认定"
}, {
title: "高新技术企业认定",
type: "biz_xmsb_h",
title: "项目申报"
}, {
title: "项目申报",
type: "biz_rlzyfwxkz_h",
title: "人力资源服务许可证"
}, {
title: "人力资源服务许可证",
type: "biz_gxjsqyrd_h",
title: "高新技术企业认定"
}, {
title: "高新技术企业认定",
type: "biz_zzrz_h",
title: "资质认证"
}, {
title: "资质认证",
type: "biz_spltxkz_h",
title: "食品流通许可证"
}, {
title: "食品流通许可证",
type: "biz_lwpqjyxkz_h",
title: "劳务派遣经营许可证"
}, {
title: "劳务派遣经营许可证",
type: "biz_ylqiqxk_h",
title: "医疗器械经营许可"
}, {
title: "医疗器械经营许可",
type: "biz_jckbaxk_h",
title: "进出口备案许可"
}, {
title: "进出口备案许可",
type: "biz_cbwpfls_h",
title: "出版物批发零售许可"
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title: "出版物批发零售许可",
type: "biz_gbdsjmzz_h",
title: "广播电视节目制作许可"
}, {
title: "广播电视节目制作许可",
type: "biz_wzgnnj_h",
title: "业务相关"
}, {
title: "业务相关",
type: "biz_xcyh_qy_h",
title: "薪酬优化"
}, {
title: "薪酬优化",
type: "biz_sbyww_h",
title: "社保业务"
}, {
title: "社保业务",
type: "biz_gjhysqlk_h",
title: "高级会员申请"
}, {
title: "高级会员申请",
type: "biz_qtywjn_h",
title: "其他业务"
}, {
title: "其他业务",
type: "biz_gjjywuj_h",
title: "公积金业务"
}, {
title: "公积金业务",
type: "biz_hzxdijn_h",
title: "互助行动"
}, {
title: "互助行动",
type: "biz_bcbxsa_h",
title: "补充保险"
}, {
title: "补充保险",
type: "biz_sbtgsh_qy_h",
title: "社保托管申请"
}, {
title: "社保托管申请",
type: "biz_xcgsqs_h",
title: "薪酬个税"
}, {
title: "薪酬个税",
type: "biz_gdfwkmc_h",
title: "App功能相关"
}, {
title: "App功能相关",
type: "biz_wzhbiu_h",
title: "网站功能"
}, {
title: "网站功能",
type: "biz_zpfw_zxkf_h",
title: "HRS100招聘服务 在线客服"
}, {
title: "HRS100招聘服务 在线客服",
type: "biz_gjjtgsh_qy_h",
title: "公积金托管申请"
}, {
title: "公积金托管申请",
type: "biz_zxwqygsdl",
title: "中小微企业工商代理"
}, {
title: "中小微企业工商代理",
type: "que_qyfwtz",
title: "企业服务通知"
}, {
title: "企业服务通知",
type: "biz_zlfwhycs",
title: "专利服务"
}, {
title: "专利服务",
type: "con_qtqyfwconsult",
title: "其他企业服务咨询"
}, {
title: "其他企业服务咨询",
type: "con_qysbxcconsult",
title: "企业社保薪酬咨询"
}, {
title: "企业社保薪酬咨询",
type: "con_bxjygflywconsult",
title: "保险及员工福利业务咨询"
}, {
title: "保险及员工福利业务咨询",
type: "con_zpfwconsult",
title: "招聘服务咨询"
}, {
title: "招聘服务咨询",
type: "con_gscsywconsult",
title: "工商财税业务咨询"
}, {
title: "工商财税业务咨询",
type: "con_zscqxgconsult",
title: "知识产权相关咨询"
}, {
title: "知识产权相关咨询",
type: "con_flconsult",
title: "法律咨询"
}, {
title: "法律咨询",
type: "con_gszzzx",
title: "公司资质咨询"
}, {
title: "公司资质咨询",
type: "biz_xzgszcycsdl",
title: "西藏工商注册与财税代理"
}, {
title: "西藏工商注册与财税代理",
type: "biz_spltxkz",
title: "食品流通许可证"
}, {
title: "食品流通许可证",
type: "biz_zxwqycsdl",
title: "中小微企业财税代理"
}, {
title: "中小微企业财税代理",
type: "biz_zlfw",
title: "专利服务"
}, {
title: "专利服务",
type: "biz_zlbj",
title: "专利布局"
}, {
title: "专利布局",
type: "biz_sbzc",
title: "商标注册"
}, {
title: "商标注册",
type: "biz_xmssb",
title: "项目申报"
}, {
title: "项目申报",
type: "biz_bqfw",
title: "版权服务"
}, {
title: "版权服务",
type: "biz_gxjsqyrd",
title: "高新技术企业认定"
}, {
title: "高新技术企业认定",
type: "biz_zzrzq",
title: "资质认证"
}, {
title: "资质认证",
type: "biz_lwpqjyxkz",
title: "劳务派遣经营许可证"
}, {
title: "劳务派遣经营许可证",
type: "biz_rlzifwxkzz",
title: "人力资源服务许可证"
}, {
title: "人力资源服务许可证",
type: "biz_gscs",
title: "工商财税"
}, {
title: "工商财税",
type: "biz_sbtgjy_h",
title: "社保托管减员"
}, {
title: "社保托管减员",
type: "biz_sbtgzy_h",
title: "社保托管增员"
}, {
title: "社保托管增员",
type: "biz_sbtgbj_h",
title: "社保托管补缴"
}, {
title: "社保托管补缴",
type: "biz_sbtgtzygjs_h",
title: "社保托管调整员工基数"
}, {
title: "社保托管调整员工基数",
type: "biz_sbtgkhxxxg_h",
title: "托管客户信息修改"
}, {
title: "托管客户信息修改",
type: "biz_sbtgqt_h",
title: "社保托管其他"
}, {
title: "社保托管其他",
type: "biz_zyghzx",
title: "职业规划咨询"
}, {
title: "职业规划咨询",
type: "biz_gjswlyzs",
title: "商务礼仪"
}, {
title: "商务礼仪",
type: "biz_kzjx_h",
title: "考证加薪"
}, {
title: "考证加薪",
type: "biz_jlyhs",
title: "简历优化"
}, {
title: "简历优化",
type: "biz_mszds",
title: "面试指导"
}, {
title: "面试指导",
type: "biz_zypcs",
title: "职业测评"
}, {
title: "职业测评",
type: "biz_gjswlyzs_h",
title: "商务礼仪"
}, {
title: "商务礼仪",
type: "biz_gjjtgqt_h",
title: "公积金托管其他"
}, {
title: "公积金托管其他",
type: "biz_gjjtgzy_h",
title: "公积金托管增员"
}, {
title: "公积金托管增员",
type: "biz_gjjtgbj_h",
title: "公积金托管补缴"
}, {
title: "公积金托管补缴",
type: "biz_gjjtgtzygjs_h",
title: "公积金托管调整员工基数"
}, {
title: "公积金托管调整员工基数",
type: "biz_gjjtgyhxxxg_h",
title: "托管客户信息修改"
}, {
title: "托管客户信息修改",
type: "biz_jjtgjy_h",
title: "公积金托管减员"
}, {
title: "公积金托管减员",
type: "con_iphoneweb",
title: "手机官网咨询 "
}, {
title: "手机官网咨询 ",
type: "con_pcweb",
title: "pc网站咨询"
}, {
title: "pc网站咨询",
type: "biz_ldzyqy_h",
title: "劳动争议"
}, {
title: "劳动争议",
type: "biz_rlwb_h",
title: "人力外包"
}, {
title: "人力外包",
type: "biz_rlwbnffzg_h",
title: "人力外包年服务资格"
title: "人力外包年服务资格",
// HRS100
type: "con_lhyg_h",
title: "灵活用工",
type: "con_qtqyfwconsult_h",
title: "其他企业服务咨询",
type: "con_ssfw_h",
title: "人力外包",
type: "con_sbkf_h",
title: "人事代理",
type: "con_campaign_h",
title: "活动通知",
type: "con_blessing_h",
title: "节日祝福",
type: "con_information_h",
title: "社保资讯",
type: "con_xtxxx_h",
title: "系统消息",
export function getOrderProductName(code: string) {
const t = imItems.find(i => i.type === code);
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