Commit 7615652f by Sixong.Zhu

Merge branch 'master' into pre

parents d4ea4c8a 52f485d6
Showing with 27 additions and 8 deletions
......@@ -43,12 +43,15 @@
import Chat from "@/customer-service/xim";
import { CustomerServiceEvent } from "../event";
const chatResizeKey1 = "chat-resize-1";
const chatResizeKey2 = "chat-resize-2";
@Component({ components: { MessageInput, messages } })
export default class ChatRoom extends Vue {
@Ref("chatBox") private readonly chatBox!: Element;
@Ref("top") private readonly refTop!: Element;
@Ref("bottom") private readonly refBottom!: Element;
@Ref("resize") private readonly refResize!: Element;
@Ref("chatBox") private readonly chatBox!: HTMLElement;
@Ref("top") private readonly refTop!: HTMLElement;
@Ref("bottom") private readonly refBottom!: HTMLElement;
@Ref("resize") private readonly refResize!: HTMLElement;
private readonly chatId!: ChatStore.STATE_CHAT_CURRENT_CHAT_ID;
......@@ -97,9 +100,9 @@
private dragControllerDiv(e: MouseEvent) {
const resize = this.refResize as any;
const top = this.refTop as HTMLElement;
const bottom = this.refBottom as HTMLElement;
const box = this.chatBox as HTMLElement;
const top = this.refTop;
const bottom = this.refBottom;
const box = this.chatBox;
const startY = e.clientY;
const originTop = resize.offsetTop;
......@@ -115,6 +118,9 @@ = moveLen + "px"; // 设置左侧区域的宽度 = moveLen + "px"; = bottomHeight + "px";
localStorage.setItem(chatResizeKey1, moveLen);
localStorage.setItem(chatResizeKey2, bottomHeight + "");
document.onmouseup = function () {
document.onmousemove = null;
......@@ -126,9 +132,22 @@
mounted() {
if (
localStorage.getItem(chatResizeKey1) &&
) {
const s1 = localStorage.getItem(chatResizeKey1) + "px";
const s2 = localStorage.getItem(chatResizeKey2) + "px";
this.refResize && ( = s1);
this.refTop && ( = s1);
this.refBottom && ( = s2);
} else {
this.refBottom &&
((this.refBottom as HTMLElement).style.height =
this.chatBox.clientHeight - this.refTop.clientHeight + "px");
this.chatBox.clientHeight -
this.refTop.clientHeight +
private openMessage(o: any) {
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